Custom Print Your Logo On Promotional Outdoor Gear
New Zealand is known for its love of the outdoors, with its population spending weekends engaging in sports, relaxing at the beach, exploring the bush, or simply enjoying their suburban backyards. The physical and emotional benefits of spending time in nature are well documented, making it the perfect opportunity to showcase your brand. By offering promotional gear to clients and staff, businesses can make the most of their marketing budget.
At Promotionsonly, we have an extensive range of custom-branded outdoor activity products available to suit nearly any need or budget. Whether you need custom-made hiking and adventure gear or something as simple as a folding chair, we have something that will entertain and occupy everyone you want to speak with in your promotional campaign.
Our categories features a wide range of products, including golf umbrellas, towels, torches beach and picnic items, blankets, sports balls/products, branded BBQ sets, travel products, sunglasses, dog leads, golf products, sunscreen and stubby coolers to name a few. Every item in our collection can be decorated with your logo or branding message, making them effective marketing tools for increasing brand awareness and visibility.
21 Piece White Waterproof First Aid Kit is perfect for water sports enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers.
from $12.17 to $10.03 ea
50 min.
View Info+ Compare ListPrepare for your sun-soaked adventures with 30ml Branded Sunscreens, must-have companions for your summer travels.
from $3.59 to $2.90 ea
100 min.
View Info+ Compare ListTransform your events into vibrant celebrations with our Custom 48cm Beach Balls, the ultimate crowd-pleasers.
from $13.85 to $7.53 ea
250 min.
View Info+ Compare ListScore big with Logo Adult Pro Rugby Balls – a powerhouse choice to showcase your company's logo on the field.
from $32.96 to $20.14 ea
100 min.
View Info+ Compare ListArcticMist Cooling Microfibre Towels are available in a vibrant array of nine colours, this cooling towel is a game-changer.
from $8.50 to $4.05 ea
100 min.
View Info+ Compare ListBamboo Arm Sunglasses offer a unique twist with natural bamboo arms coupled with sleek polycarbonate frames.
from $7.68 to $6.07 ea
50 min.
View Info+ Compare ListLogo Beacon COB Torches- choose from four vibrant colours -red, green, blue, and black- to match your brand's aesthetic.
from $3.21 to $2.61 ea
100 min.
View Info+ Compare ListBranded Blake 5 Piece BBQ & Apron Sets are available in sleek black/silver, the perfect grilling companions.
from $65.31 to $52.12 ea
10 min.
View Info+ Compare ListBranded Sweat Bands, available in a kaleidoscope of bold colours, ensuring there's an ideal match for your identity.
from $6.45 to $2.16 ea
100 min.
View Info+ Compare ListCalypso Sunglasses exude a retro vibe, featuring black rims and lenses with contrasting colour arms.
from $7.04 to $6.04 ea
500 min.
View Info+ Compare ListCombo Lip Balms offer a regular twist action SPF10 lip balm with a smooth SPF30 roll-on lip balm, all in one sleek tube.
from $1.84 to $1.61 ea
250 min.
View Info+ Compare ListGet ready for outdoor awesomeness with the Costa Picnic Blankets, ready to rock with your company logo.
from $48.30 to $37.46 ea
25 min.
View Info+ Compare ListPromotional Daxton LED Flashlight Lanterns- ideal companions for camping adventures and emergency situations.
from $5.92 to $4.64 ea
100 min.
View Info+ Compare ListDivot Repairers with Markers are a smart fusion of two essential golfing tools in a single, convenient package.
from $1.31 to $1.11 ea
250 min.
View Info+ Compare ListEndurance Sports Towels are the ideal canvas for showcasing your business identity with custom design options.
from $6.00 to $4.86 ea
100 min.
View Info+ Compare ListBranded Fidget Cubes are perfect blend of stress relief and entertainment, present in a range of striking colour combinations.
from $5.77 to $3.96 ea
250 min.
View Info+ Compare ListCustom Full Colour Gym Towels measure 30 x 50 cm towels, crafted from 350gsm cotton terry and microfibre.
from $20.31 to $7.44 ea
50 min.
View Info+ Compare ListGet your advertising ideas soaring with Printed Halo Flyers, enjoy throwing these round, flexible flying discs.
from $2.57 to $2.19 ea
250 min.
View Info+ Compare ListLogo Hillcrest BBQ Multi Tools, the ultimate 5-in-1 companion for all your grilling adventures at home or outdoors.
from $37.16 to $30.78 ea
25 min.
View Info+ Compare ListUnveil the epitome of elegance with Custom Jonah Bamboo Folding Tables, ideal gifting during corporate family days.
from $112.89 to $107.77 ea
10 min.
View Info+ Compare ListWrap your little ones in comfort with our Branded Kids Hoodie Towels – the perfect post-swim or beach companion.
from $25.50 to $14.42 ea
100 min.
View Info+ Compare ListPrinted Lotus Two Tone Umbrellas feature a striking two-tone canopy that can be customised with your logo.
from $20.60 to $15.85 ea
25 min.
View Info+ Compare ListLogo Maui Cotton Beach Towels, the perfect gift for hospitality venues from 100% Jacquard Cottonin yarn dye.
from $60.81 to $52.50 ea
25 min.
View Info+ Compare ListMegane Sunglasses, a symbol of retail-quality fashion sunglasses with a contemporary carbon fibre finish.
from $16.48 to $12.83 ea
50 min.
View Info+ Compare ListMicrofibre Sunglass Pouch is a sleek and simple solution for protecting your treasured eyewear.
from $1.62 to $1.44 ea
250 min.
View Info+ Compare ListHow Can I Use Outdoor Promotional Products?
Outdoor promotional products can be an effective way to promote your business and increase brand awareness. These products are designed to be used outside and can include items such as drink bottles, outdoor games, beach balls, fitness activity trackers, and more. Here are some ideas to use outdoor promotional products to promote your business:
- Give them away at events: Outdoor events such as concerts, festivals, and sporting events are great places to give away promotional products. These events attract a large number of people, and giving away promotional products can help to create brand awareness and generate interest in your business.
- Offer them as incentives: They can be used as incentives to encourage customers to take a specific action such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. These products can also be used to reward loyal customers for their continued business.
- Use them as part of a marketing campaign: Outdoor promotional products can be used as part of a larger marketing campaign to promote a new product or service. For example, a company that sells camping gear could offer a free branded water bottle with the purchase of a tent.
- Donate them to charity events: Charitable events such as walks, runs, and bike rides often have participants who are passionate about the cause. Donating promotional products to these events can help to promote your business while also supporting a good cause.
- Offer them as prizes: Outdoor promotional products can be used as prizes for contests and giveaways. For example, a company could offer a branded backpack as a prize for a social media contest.
Can I Get The Branded With My Logo?
Absolutely! Our website displays products with decoration and setup costs included, enabling you to make an easy and informed decision on the best choice for you.
Best Prices For Bulk Purchase
When you buy in bulk from us, rest assured you are getting the best price. We have been in business for over 15 years and in that time have become one of the leading suppliers of promotional products in New Zealand. This means we have better buying power than most other promotional companies and we pass those prices on to you.
Delivery New Zealand Wide
It doesn't matter where you are in New Zealand - Whether it is Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch or Queenstown, we have an extensive courier network that will deliver to anywhere in New Zealand.